5 Service and Support
World Wide Web and Internet FTP
HP has a home page on the Internet World Wide Web—http://www.hp.com.
From there, you can jump to the NetServer home page.
You can also download NetServer files from HP via Internet FTP:
1. address: ftp://ftp.netserver.hp.com
2. logon: anonymous
3. password: <your e-mail address>
Bulletin Board System
The HP NetServer Support BBS is for downloading—messages asking support
questions should be left in the HPSYS forum on CompuServe.
The HP PC Support BBS has eight lines. Datacomm specifications:
• 300/1200/2400/9600/14400 baud
• 103/212/V22bis/HST/V32/V32bis/V42 bis/MNP standards
• No parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit (N,8,1)
YMODEM-batch, ZMODEM, KERMIT, and Super Kermit file
transfer protocols
Call (1 408) 553-3500 to connect to the HP NetServer Support BBS.
Automated Fax
HP’s automated fax system contains full product data sheets, configuration and
price guides, and a subset of the HP NetServer support information.
In the U.S. call (1 800) 333-1917 from a push button tone phone to request that
an index of available documents be sent to your fax machine. Call again to select
the documents that you want transmitted.