Polystyrene Sheet
Supported (
) print modes and resolutions:
Recommendations for best results
Dust with s lint-free cloth to remove any dust and handle with gloves to avoid fingerprints on edge
of media
Ensure that the ionizer is power on and functioning.
Apply isopropyl alcohol greater than 90% and wipe down each sheet prior to printing for additional
static control, as well as to clean handling edges. Although not always visible, oils from fingers may
still mar surface for printing.
Wipe with an anti-static cloth or device to remove static charge and possible cutting remnants.
Ensure that media tables are attached and secured to the printer to provide a grounding path for
static loaded material.
High Quality 600x600 mode is recommended, but depending on ink coverage and image content,
other supported modes may print acceptably.
Use low UV lamp setting.
Use the Media Wizard vacuum settings, increasing if necessary.
Use Polystyrene color profile, or Foamed PVC or a generic equivalent.
Output Handling
Adhesion may be an issue on this media. Print in a higher quality mode, use a higher UV lamp
power, and/or wait 24 hours before trimming to improve adhesion.
Always use a sharp blade when cutting and be aware that some ink flaking will occur in high ink
load areas unless trimmed outside of the printed area.
1200x600 600x600 600x300
HQ Prod
BB HQ Prod