
3-10 Menus
Trailing Margin — defines the margins on the trailing
edge of cut-sheet media, between 6.0 and 24.0 inches
(15.3 to 61.0 cm).
Tip You can position an image anywhere on the media
by setting the right margin (horizontal or x distance
from the right edge) and leading margin (vertical or y
distance from the leading edge). Since the image
appears upside down as it emerges from the printer,
the upper left corner of the image will appear at this
Print Position — when the printed image does not span the
entire width of the media, positions the printed image flush
right (as you face the front of the printer, or nearest the con-
trol panel), flush left, or centered on the media.
Print White Space — provides the option of causing the
printer to advance the media past white space in the docu-
ment file without the usual “printing” carriage motion. The
printer will finish curing any printed areas before skipping
white space.
Head Height Off Media — automatically raises the rail to
set the printhead clearance from the media, at the height you
specify. A lower height reduces overspray, but increases the
chances for a head strike on the media. Bidi calibration is
automatically adjusted for changes in this value.
Media Out Sensor — detects the trailing edge of media so
that printing can be stopped before running out of media.
Disable only for media types (clear or reflective) that cannot
be detected by the sensor, or if the sensor is malfunctioning.
Measure Media Type — for cut-sheet media, you can
choose one of three levels of precision for finding the left,
right, and front edges of the media.
Minimal — measures the width of the media once and
finds the front right edge; no skew detection
Standard — measures the width of the media once, and
finds the front edge in two places to estimate skew
Maximal — measures the width of the media in two
places to estimate skew, finds the right side leading edge