
Getting to Know the iPAQ Wireless Manager
User’s Guide 7–2
To power on one or more wireless activities, tap the desired
To power off one or more wireless activities, tap the desired
button(s) or tap the All Off button to power off all activities.
Power Buttons
All power buttons (with the exception of the All Off button)
display a:
Gray background with an “x” on the icon when the wireless
radios are powered off.
Amber background when the wireless radios are on and
signals are available, but not connected.
Green background when the wireless radios are on and
connected or associated with another device.
Note: If a button does not immediately respond when tapped, it
may be busy performing a task you suggested.
The All Off button displays a:
Gray background with an “x” on the icon when all wireless
radios are off.
Green background when one or more wireless radios are on.
Settings Buttons
Each of the three settings buttons (Wi-Fi Settings, Bluetooth
Settings, and Bluetooth Manager) has an enabled and disabled
state. In the enabled state, pressing the Settings button opens a
page with information about configuration and settings for that
particular wireless feature.