
Configure the advanced measurement features on displayed channel.
Set the integration time for measurements on the displayed channel.
Set the channel-to-channel delay for scanning.
Enable/disable the thermocouple check feature (T/C measurements only).
Select the reference junction source (T/C measurements only).
Set the low frequency limit (ac measurements only).
Enable/disable offset compensation (resistance measurements only).
Select the binary or decimal mode for digital operations (digital input/output only).
Configure the totalizer reset mode (totalizer only).
Select which edge is detected (rising or falling) for totalizer operations.
Configure system-related instrument parameters.
Set the real-time system clock and calendar.
Query the firmware revisions for the mainframe and installed modules.
Select the instrument’s power-on configuration (last or factory reset).
Enable/disable the internal DMM.
Secure/unsecure the instrument for calibration.
View readings, alarms, and errors.
View the last 100 scanned readings from memory (last, min, max, and average).
View the first 20 alarms in the alarm queue (reading and time alarm occurred).
View up to 10 errors in the error queue.
Read the number of cycles for the displayed relay (relay maintenance feature).
Store and recall instrument states.
Store up to five instrument states in non-volatile memory.
Assign a name to each storage location.
Recall stored states, power-down state, factory reset state, or preset state.
Configure the remote interface.
Select the HP-IB address.
Configure the RS-232 interface (baud rate, parity, and flow control).
Chapter 2 Front-Panel Overview
Front-Panel Menu Reference