Inputs & Outputs
Auxiliary Output
Provides an unmodulated reference signal from 2 to 26.5 GHz
at a typical minimum power level of -10
Nominal output
impedance 50 ohms. (SMA female, rear panel.)
RF Output
Nominal output impedance 50 ohms. (Precision 3.5 mm male on 20
and 26.5 GHz models, 2.4 mm male on 40 and 50 GHz models, front
External ALC input
Used for negative external detector or power meter leveling. Nominal
input impedance 120 kR, damage level
volts. See RF output
specifications. (BNC female, front panel.)
Pulse input/Output
TTL-low-level signal turns RF off. When using the standard internal
pulse generator, a TTL-level pulse sync signal preceding the RF
pulse by nominally 80 ns is output at this connector. Nominal input
impedance 50 ohms, damage level
-0.5 volts. See modulation
specifications. (BNC female, front panel:)
AM Input
Nominal input impedance 50 ohms (internally switchable to 2
damage level
volts. See modulation specifications. (BNC female,
front panel.)
FM Input
Nominal input impedance 50 ohms (internally switchable to
600 ohms), damage level
volts. See modulation specifications.
(BNC female, front panel.)
Trigger Input
Activated on a TTL rising edge. Used to externally initiate an analog
sweep or to advance to the next point in step or list mode. Damage
-0.5 volts. (BNC female, rear panel.)
Trigger Output
Outputs a one-microsecond-wide TTL-level pulse at 1601 points
evenly spaced across an analog sweep, or at each point in step or list
mode. (BNC female, rear panel.)