Speed through your print jobs
Print at speeds of up to 28 pages per minute
(ppm) black and 24 ppm
colour in draft mode (up to 9 ppm
black and 8 ppm
colour in normal mode). Laser quality output
can be printed at up to 7 ppm
and 6 ppm
The printer includes HP PCL 3 enhanced driver language with HP’s High Performance Architecture compresses
print files at a very high ratio, making them much smaller in size. Thus traffic to the printer is reduced and files
are transferred more quickly.
The 240-MHz Motorola 32-bit Coldfire 4e HPA processor comes with 32 MB built-in RAM that is augmented by
HP’s Memory Enhancement technology, which virtually doubles printer memory by automatically compressing data.
A powerful carriage motor allows rapid and accurate placement of the printheads, while the printheads
themselves have been enlarged to allow faster firing speed and more ink drops per colour per dot.
All these add up to faster print speeds even at high resolutions and photo realistic image quality.
Reduce waiting time and increase productivity with the HP Business Inkjet 1200 printer series.
The best of both worlds—in colour or black and white
Get professional prints at up to 4800 x 1200-optimised dpi colour on premium photo papers. When combined
with advanced HP inkjet-printing technologies, such as HP PhotoREt III, HP Colorsmart III, intelligent dot placement
and high-resolution image rendering, the 4800-optimised dpi mode provides stunning true-to-life photo quality
with accurate, realistic detail. Even superb laser quality
1200 dpi black text on inkjet paper can be produced
at speeds rivalling entry level colour laser printers, with HP’s unique method of black ink fortification. Exactly what
you need to produce impactful, clear and convincing business communications.
Conventional inkjet printheads
HP Business Inkjet 1200
printer series printheads
Narrow width
0.5 inch width
Enlarged printheads do more with every pass, resulting in fast, high quality printing
HP’s Memory Enhancement technology virtually doubles printer memory via data compression
Produce sharp, laser quality
1200 dpi black text
2.5 MB*
HP Business Inkjet 1200 Printer
Memory Enhancement
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Duis au te
5 MB File*
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
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Duis aute
‘Laser-quality speed’ benchmarks the page-per-minute speeds of the HP Business Inkjet 1200 printer series against
the HP Color LaserJet 4600 printer series at comparable print quality. This comparison is based solely on HP’s internal tests.
Exact speed varies depending on the system configuration, software application, driver and document complexity.
* Exact compression value varies depending on actual file complexity.