8/12/5.6.0 disk MICROP 2112
10 bc I/O Adapter
10/12 ext_bus GSC add-on Fast/Wide SCSI Interface
10/12.4 target
10/12.4.0 disk SEAGATE ST31200W
3. Shut down the system.
If you are running HP-UX under HP VUE, shut down your system according to the
shutdown procedure described in the owner’s guide that came with your worksta-
If you are running HP-UX without HP VUE, shut down your system by typing the
following command:
# /etc/shutdown -h
You must have superuser privileges to use the /etc/shutdown command. If you do
not have superuser privileges, contact your system administrator.
If your workstation is part of a cluster, refer to Managing Clusters of HP 9000 Com-
puters for instructions on shutting down.
SCSI-2 Connection and Termination
Only single-ended SCSI-2 configuration is supported.
Only unshielded connectors can be used.
The DDS-3 drive does not support termination on the device itself. Normally, drives such
as this are not required to be at the end of a bus, but if this is unavoidable, HP
recommends using a feed-through SCSI terminator that plugs directly into the rear of the