HP NetRAID-4M Cluster Services Installation Guide Cluster Software Components and Quorum
Server B: Install HP NetRAID-4M Cluster Add-on software
16. Remove the Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server CD-ROM from the CD-ROM
17. Insert the first NetRAID Software-NT/Win2000 Cluster Installation diskette in the floppy
drive of Server B (or insert the Navigator CD-ROM).
18. Navigate to the A:\ directory and double-click on: setup.exe
If the NetServer Navigator CD-ROM is used, go to path:
19. Accept the defaults in the installation screens. For the type of installation, select the
Cluster Node option.
20. When the HP NetRAID-4M Cluster software installation is complete, remove the
installation media from the drive.
CAUTION Whenever you remove and reinstall the MSCS software, you must also
remove and reinstall the HP NetRAID-4M Cluster software. Because the
custom DLLs provided by the HP NetRAID-4M Cluster software are not part
of the standard MSCS software, these components must be registered each
time the MSCS software is reinstalled.