HP P4459A 8-Port Fibre Loop Switch Installation & Opeartion Guide
Loop Port. It only has the capability to communicate over FC-AL hubs and through
Loop Port State Machine. It resides on each loop-capable port and is responsible for
performing the loop protocols and the repeater function to pass information
MAC Address
Media Access Control address. It is the 48-bit (12 digit hexadecimal), IEEE 802.1,
Universal LAN MAC address (ULA). It is constructed from the 24-bit IEEE
company ID and a 24-bit vendor-specified identifier associated with an Ethernet
port. It is also used to construct the Worldwide Name.
Managed Object
A data variable that represents a resource or other aspect of a managed device.
Management Information Base. A set of inter-related managed objects. The
attributes of these objects have network monitoring values whereby an SNMP agent
can access management instrumentation and at least one management station from
where a network manager can collect statistics and a management protocol to
exchange information between the agents and the management station.
The technique of duplicating the data from one disk onto another in real time, so
that if the primary drive fails, data is immediately recoverable from the secondary
drive. Mirroring is also known as RAID-1. The advantage is that it is simple and
does not necessarily require an array controller, and it is fast to store and recover.
The disadvantage is that it is the least efficient of the RAID types since it requires
twice the amount of storage as simple direct storage.
Data that is sent to a group of N_Ports in a fabric in parallel.