HP PrecisionScan Pro User’s Guide 102
Saving scanned images Book Contents Index
Saving the file
1 Click , the Save As... button in the toolbar, or
from the
Scan menu, select Save As..., or
Save As dialog box appears.
2 In the Save in box, choose the directory where
you want to save the file.
3 In the File name box, type a name for the image
4 From the Save as type list box, choose a file type.
5 Click Save.
A final scan of the image is performed.
The image is saved to the file.
The file name extension for the selected file type
is automatically added to the file name.
Reducing file size
You can reduce the size of an image file in the
scanning software by:
reducing resolution
avoiding the True Color output type
reducing the scale of the image
saving with a compressed file format (.gif, .jpg,
or .tif compressed)
Be sure to keep the original in the same
place on the scanner glass until the final
scan of the image is completed.