
1 Get started
This guide provides details about how to use the device and to resolve problems.
Find other resources for the product
Understand the device parts
NOTE: If you are using the device with a computer running Windows 2000,
Windows XP Starter Edition, or Windows XP x64, some features might not be
available. For more information, see
Operating system compatibility.
Find other resources for the product
You can obtain product information and further troubleshooting resources that are not
included in this guide from the following resources:
Resource Description Location
Setup poster
Provides illustrated setup
A printed version of the
document is provided with
the device.
Readme file and release notes
Provide late-breaking
information and
troubleshooting tips.
Included on the Starter CD.
Toolbox (Microsoft
Provides access to
maintenance services.
For more information, see
Toolbox (Windows).
The Toolbox is typically
installed with the device
software as an available
installation option.
HP Printer Utility (Mac OS) Contains tools to configure
print settings, calibrate the
device, clean the ink
cartridges, print the
configuration page, order
supplies online, and find
support information from the
Web site.
For more information, see
Printer Utility (Mac OS).
The HP Printer Utility is
typically installed with the
device software.
Device control panel Provides status, error, and
warning information about
For more information, see
Device control panel buttons
and lights.
Logs and reports Provides information about
events that have occurred.
For more information, see
Monitor the device.
Self-Test diagnostic page
Device information:
Product name
Model number
For more information, see
Understand the self-test
8 Get started