ENWW Introducing the HP Jetdirect Embedded Print Server 7
Product Number and Firmware Version
The features and capabilities of an HP Jetdirect print server
depends on the print server’s product model/number and its
operating firmware version. The print server can be upgraded with
new firmware versions when they are released. New versions may
provide enhanced features and capabilities.
The features and capabilities described in this guide support the
following HP Jetdirect print server and firmware version:
Note For an HP Jetdirect embedded print server, a
non-orderable product number has been assigned.
The product number is for identification purposes
● HP Product Number: J7949E
● Firmware Version: V.28.xx.nnnnnnnn
where xx identifies a sequential release number. Note that
nnnnnnnn, if it appears, is an encoded value for HP support use
The installed firmware version can be identified using various
methods, including the HP Jetdirect configuration page (see
Chapter 9
), Telnet (see Chapter 3), embedded Web server (see
Chapter 4
), and network management applications. For firmware
updates, see “Firmware Upgrades