4 | HP Jornada 520 Series User’s Guide
Your HP Jornada already includes the full suite of software you need to
function as a mobile professional. These programs are introduced below.
Detailed information can be found in later chapters.
The programs listed below are installed in ROM. They cannot be deleted, and
you will never need to reinstall them.
HP settings.
Adjust the brightness and contrast of the display and set the
speaker volume to suit your work environment. Choose from four preset
profiles or create your own.
HP security.
Protect your data with a four-digit password that prevents
unauthorized users from accessing your HP Jornada.
HP backup.
Protect your valuable data even when you are away from your
office by backing up your personal information manager (PIM) databases
(Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks) or your entire Pocket PC to a
CompactFlash card.
HP game buttons.
Run up the score in your favorite games on your Pocket
PC. Use the HP game buttons application to assign game actions to your
Pocket PC hardware buttons.
HP home menu.
Quickly launch your favorite programs or open frequently
used documents. Assign each of the buttons on the HP home menu to a
different document or program.
HP task switcher.
Switch between open programs and documents, or
close any program from a pop-up menu on the Today screen.
HP info exchange.
Send and receive contacts, appointments, and tasks to
and from non–Windows-powered devices from within Pocket Outlook. Also
receive (but not send) notes and store them as a text file in the My
Documents folder of your HP Jornada.