
32 | HP Jornada 540 Series User
s Guide
2. Connect the other end of the sync cable to your HP Jornada. Your
HP Jornada should start automatically and establish a connection to
the desktop PC.
Connecting by infrared
The infrared port on your HP Jornada provides a convenient way to connect to
an IrDA-equipped PC without using a cable or cradle. Many notebook
computers have built-in infrared ports; however, you may need to install and
configure an infrared port on a desktop PC. To install the port, follow the
manufacturers instructions. More information about infrared drivers for
Windows 95/98 or Windows 2000 is available on the Windows for Pocket PC
Web site at www.microsoft.com/windowsce
For complete instructions on connecting to your desktop PC by infrared, refer
to ActiveSync help on your desktop PC.