
164 HP Jornada 700 Series Handheld PC
Before you contact us for help, be sure to:
1. Review the manuals whenever possible.
2. Have the following information about the product:
· Model number
· Serial number
· Purchase date
3. Have your product ready to use. The support personnel may
ask you to run tests and other operations.
4. Organize your question or problem. The more detailed
information you can provide, the quicker the support
personnel can help you.
Contacting Hewlett
Contacting HewlettContacting Hewlett
Contacting Hewlett-
-Packard worldwide
Packard worldwide Packard worldwide
Packard worldwide
You will be pleased to know that our commitment to quality does
not stop at the sale. Our worldwide customer support network is
available to give you personal telephone service should you need
Country/Region Telephone
Argentina (Buenos Aires) (5411)-4778-8380
Argentina (outside
Buenos Aires
0810-555-5520 Ext. 4778 /
Australia 61-3-88778000
Austria 43-711-4201080
Belgium (Dutch) 32-2-6268806
Belgium (French) 32-2-6268807
Brazil (Saõ Paulo) 11-3747-7799
Brazil (outside Saõ Paulo) 0800-157751
Canada 1-905-2064663
Chile 56-800-360999
China 86-10-65645959
Czech Republic 420-2-61307310