68 | HP Jornada H/PC User’s Guide
• Microsoft Exchange Update—Adds an option to the Tools
menu in Microsoft Exchange, allowing you to synchronize
your HP Jornada Inbox with your Windows Inbox.
• Microsoft Schedule+ 7.0a—A schedule management
program for Windows 95 or NT.
• Ethernet Components—Network drivers for your
Windows CE.
• Microsoft Pocket Streets—A maps-and-navigation
program for Windows CE.
• Windows95 infrared drivers version 2.0—Allow you
to install an infrared port on a desktop PC.
• Windows95 Dial-Up Networking version 1.2 upgrade—
Allows you to establish a remote connection to your
desktop PC by modem.
• Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.01—The most
recent version of the Internet browser for Windows 95
or Windows NT.
• WindowsNT Service Pack 3—System updates for
Windows NT.
There are many Windows CE programs available, including freeware and shareware. Go to
www.microsoft.com/windowsce, or try searching the Web on the keyword “Windows CE” to
find additional programs for your device.
Installing Windows CE Services
The minimum PC requirements for running Windows CE
Services are as follows:
• Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 or Windows 95
(or later)
• Desktop PC with a 486/33DX or higher processor
(Pentium® P90 recommended)
• 8 MB of memory (12 MB recommended) for Windows 95
(or later), and 16 MB of memory (32MB recommended) for
Windows NT Workstation
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