User’s Guide 59
Fixing the System
Memory card problems
If the incorrect fonts are displayed in a PowerPoint presentation:
To embed PowerPoint fonts on a memory card, you must use a computer with HP
Wireless Presenter-to-Go software (see “To prepare your computer” on page 39).
❏ If you are presenting a PowerPoint PPT file, be sure the required
fonts are embedded on the memory card (see “To prepare a
PowerPoint presentation” on page 39).
❏ If you see a Presenter-to-Go message indicating a font cannot be
embedded, edit the PowerPoint file and replace the restricted font
with a different font. In PowerPoint, you can click Format >
Replace Fonts and make sure all fonts are TrueType fonts. Then
be sure the new font is embedded on the memory card.
❏ If the PowerPoint file contains an embedded font not installed on
your computer, this font cannot be embedded on the memory
card. If possible, change the font in the PowerPoint file, then be
sure the new font is embedded on the memory card.
❏ If the FONTS folder on the memory card has been deleted, no
fonts are available for PPT presentations. Right-click each PPT
file on the card and select Embed Fonts.
❏ As an alternative to showing a PowerPoint PPT file, you can show
a mobile presentation PDB file, which contains all necessary font
information (see “To create mobile presentations” on page 40).
If the formatting or layout of a PowerPoint presentation is displayed incorrectly:
❏ In PowerPoint, save the file as a type compatible with PowerPoint
2002. Click File > Save As, then change Save As Type.
❏ Word Art cannot be displayed from a PowerPoint PPT file, but
you can convert Word Art to an image that can be displayed. In
PowerPoint, while holding CTRL select all instances of Word Art
in a slide, then right-click and select Save As Image. Then delete
all the Word Art and insert the image in the slide.
❏ Some types of PowerPoint formatting and elements are not
supported. Try using different formatting or different elements, or
try the alternative described in the last suggestion below.