Position and Connect Printer
The printer may weigh up to 34 kilograms (75 pounds). Enlist the
help of a second person to lift the unit. To prevent back strain or
injury, bend your knees when lifting the unit.
To meet requirements for absolute toppling security TowerTray has
to be equipped with the supplied tilt protection (see picture). Also,
never open more than one tray at the same time.
Note for HP LaserJet 4250 and 4350 users:
If you are using more than 2 additional HP Trays, then the
TowerTray / HP LaserJet unit has to be fixed to a building wall. To
do so, please refer to page 10 of this manual.
• Carefully lift the laser printer onto TowerTray. Make sure you
utilize the locking mechanism on the tray’s and printer’s left side.
Arrangement of trays:
Tilt protections
The TowerTray Unit can only operate with TowerTray trays where-
as the HP LaserJet Unit can only operate with original HP trays.
Therefore it is essential not to mix TowerTray trays with the original
HP trays – TowerTray trays are easily distinguished by the
TowerTray Sticker on it’s front panel.
Note: The TowerTray Unit can consist of up to four trays (one
Bottom, two middle and one Top tray) .
Data Connection
Without Stacker
Manual 0545 8 TowerTray
for the HP LaserJet 4200 / 4300 / 4250 / 4350
Connect printer and TowerTray with the data cable (see picture):
one end with the printer and the other end with TowerTray. Use the
provided Adapter as a intermediate piece (see picture next page).
Only move TowerTray to another place with drawers closed and
without printer on top to avoid hazard of toppling. Do not roll the
TowerTray with more than 4 trays on top – remove any surplus
trays. Drawers need to be secured against unintentional opening.
Be careful when crossing doorsteps or different flooring materials.
Be sure that the trays interlocking mechanism are applied
position on
stacker –