
A-18 Specifications
Serial Cable Specifications
Serial communication is simply the transmission of data one bit at
a time. With just one bit to transmit at a time, data can be transferred
with a simple electrical circuit consisting of only two wires. In this
fashion, an eight-bit byte is transmitted one bit at a time and the
individual bits are reassembled into the original byte on the
receiving end. Bit transmission occurs from the least significant bit
to the most significant bit.
Serial Cable Specifications
Specification Description
Data Terminal
Equipment (DTE)
Transmit on pin 2 and receive on pin 3. A printer is typically a DTE
Equipment (DCE)
Transmit on pin 3 and receive on pin 2. A modem is typically a DCE
Asynchronous communication or start/stop transmission is the concept
of enclosing a character with a start and stop bit. The RS-232
specification defines the standards for asynchronous serial
Parity Parity is a method of error checking at the bit level.
HP LaserJet Serial
Data Format
Transmission is asynchronous, with one start bit, eight data bits and
one stop bit. Parity is not used. HP LaserJet printers are DTE devices.
Serial Interface
Handshaking is the method by which the flow of data between two
devices is controlled. The two methods of flow control that are used by
HP LaserJet printers are software flow control, in which one device
controls another by the content of the data, and hardware flow control,
in which one device can control another by changing the voltage on a
Software Flow
Control (software
Xon/Xoff is a data stream handshake protocol that sends Xon (DC1;
11 Hex) to the computer from the printer’s transmit data pin when the
printer is able to accept data and sends Xoff (DC3; 13 Hex) when the
printer is not ready for data.