Message Description Recommended Action
41.[X] ERROR
X=1, 2, 4, or 5
A temporary printing error occurred. Remove the page from the output bin and press
[Shift + [Continue]. The page containing the error
will automatically be reprinted. (Note, if AUTO
CONT=ON the printer will automatically continue
printing when this error occurs).
41.3 PAPER ERROR The wrong size paper was fed from the MP
tray or the printer picked two sheets of paper
at once.
Ensure that the paper is within the specification
required. If the page jammed, remove the jam.
Press [Shift + [Continue] and the page containing
the error will automatically be reprinted.
(Note, if AUTO CONT=ON the printer will automatically
continue printing when this error occurs).
50 SERVICE The printer identified an internal service error. If this error appears, switch the printer OFF
for at
least 15 minutes
and then back ON. If the error
continues, call your dealer or HP service
51 ERROR The printer detected a temporary error
Press [Shift] + [Continue] to resume operation.
(Note, if AUTO CONT=ON the printer will automatically
continue printing when this error occurs).
52 SERVICE The printer identified an internal service error. If this error appears, switch the printer OFF and
then back ON. If the error continues, call your
dealer or HP service representative.
53.XY.ZZ ERROR An error occurred during configuration and
validation of SIMM memory:
X (Hardware Type):
0: ROM
1: RAM
Y (Hardware Device):
0: Internal Memory
1: SIMM Slot 1 (closest to processor)
2: SIMM Slot 2
3: SIMM Slot 3
4: SIMM Slot 4
ZZ (Error Number):
0: Unsupported memory
1: Unrecognized memory
2: Unsupported memory size
3: Failed RAM test
4: Exceeded maximum RAM size
5: Exceeded maximum ROM size
6: Invalid SIMM speed
7: SIMM reporting information
8: SIMM RAM parity error
9: SIMM ROM needs to be
mapped to an unsupported
10: SIMM address conflict
11: ROM out of bounds
12: Could not make temporary
Make sure your SIMM board is installed correctly
(see Appendix D, “SIMM Board Installation”).
Replace the SIMM that caused the error. [Shift]
+ [Continue] will allow you to continue but the
SIMM that caused the error will not be configured.
If the SIMM device has more than one bank of
memory, the good banks will be configured.
55 ERROR See 51 ERROR. See 51 ERROR.
57 and 58 SERVICE See 50 SERVICE. See 50 SERVICE.
Solving Printer Problems 8-25