Chapter 4 Diagnostics
>002^ POWER Unit
>001 System Boot
Each line includes a brief summary of a log entry, including the log entry number. An "^" on a
log entry means the problem is current.
3. To read the complete log for an event, use the arrow keys to select the entry and press Enter.
An example of a complete log, providing details about two events, 001 and 008, appears below.
>001 System Boot
Entry #001
07 /22 /99
10 :27 :15
System Boot
>008^ POWER Unit
Entry #008
Critical Pending
07 /22 /99
10 :27 :15
Proc. 2 FRB3
4. Use the arrow keys to scroll through the entire log.
5. To return to the Event Log menu, press Escape.
6. Press Escape again to return to the Main Menu.
POST Routines
The following Power On Self-Tests (POSTs) are performed during system startup:
Test Description
Processor Test
Tests the processor's registers. Test failure causes an error message to be
displayed and the boot process to abort.
System (BIOS) ROM
BIOS ROM chip calculates an eight-bit checksum. Test failure causes an error
code to be displayed and the boot process to abort.
Memory Subsystem
Tests the physical configuration of the memory subsystem. The test checks for
valid memory module combinations. Test failure causes an error code to be
RAM Refresh Timer
Tests the RAM refresh timer circuitry. Test failure causes an error message to be
displayed and the boot process to abort.
Interrupt RAM Test
This test checks the first 64 K of system RAM used to store data corresponding to
various system interrupt vector addresses. Test failures cause an error message
to be displayed and the boot process to abort.
Checks the CMOS RAM for start-up power loss, verifies these CMOS RAM
checksum(s): ISA, HP, and CMOS RAM checksum. Test failure causes error
codes to be displayed.