Symptom Check Possible causes Possible solutions
Stacking problems Are pages skewed? The jam-access door might not be
closed completely.
1. Make sure all the doors on the left
side of the device are closed
2. If the problem persists, contact
HP Customer Care. See
HP Customer Care.
Are the pages stacked
The paper might not meet specifications
for the device.
The paper might be stored in an
environment that does not meet
1. Use paper that meets
specifications. See
Select print
2. Store media in an area that meets
specifications. See Operating
3. Try using paper from an unopened
4. If the problem persists, contact
HP Customer Care. See
HP Customer Care.
E-mail problems Are you able to send e-
mail attachments?
Does an “E-mail gateway
not responding” message
appear on the control
The SMTP gateway might need to be
See Solve e-mail problems.
Are you able to change
the “From” e-mail
The device might be configured so that
the “From” e-mail address cannot be
The device might require you to sign in
before you can change the “From” e-mail
Use the embedded Web server to
change these settings. See
Use the
embedded Web server.
Are you able to change
the file type or the color
setting for e-mail
Change the settings at the control panel
or by using the embedded Web server.
1. At the control panel, touch E-mail,
and then touch More Options.
See Change e-mail settings for the
current job.
2. To change the settings by using the
embedded Web server, see Use
the embedded Web server.
Do you receive a “job
failed” e-mail message
when you try to send an e-
mail attachment?
The e-mail address to which you are
sending the document might be
The file size might be larger than the
maximum allowable size for the SMTP
1. Send a test e-mail from your
2. Use the embedded Web server to
change the maximum allowable
size for e-mail attachments. See
Use the embedded Web server.
Fax problems Is the Fax feature on the
control panel inactive?
You need to provide required settings
before using the Fax feature.
1. At the control panel, touch
Administration, touch Initial Setup,
and touch Fax Setup.
2. Configure the settings for
Location, Date/Time, and Fax
172 Chapter 11 Problem solving ENWW