Table 9-2 HP Embedded Web Server General tab (continued)
Menu Description
Device Information Name the product and assign an asset number to it. Enter the name of the primary
contact who will receive information about the product.
Language Set the language in which to display the HP Embedded Web Server information.
Date and Time Set the date and time or synchronize with a network time server.
Sleep Schedule Set or edit a wake time, sleep time, and sleep delay for the product. You can set a
different schedule for each day of the week and for holidays.
Backup and Restore Create a backup file that contains product and user data. If necessary, you can use
this file to restore data to the product.
Restore Factory Settings Restore product settings to the factory defaults.
Solution Installer Install third-party software programs that can enhance the product functionality.
Firmware upgrade Download and install product firmware upgrade files.
Statistics Services Provides connection information about third-party job-statistics services.
Print tab
Table 9-3 Print tab
Menu Description
Retrieve from USB Setup Enable or disable the Retrieve Job from USB menu on the control panel.
Manage Stored Jobs Enable or disable the ability to store jobs in the product memory, and configure job-
storage options.
Adjust Paper Types Adjust the print mode for each type of paper that the product supports.
General Print Settings Establish default settings for print jobs.
Manage Trays View or change paper type and size settings for each tray, and adjust general
settings for all trays.
Troubleshooting tab
Table 9-4 HP Embedded Web Server Troubleshooting tab
Menu Description
Reports and Tests Print a variety of reports to help you solve problems with the product.
Calibrations Select an option to calibrate the product immediately.
Firmware upgrade Download and install product firmware upgrade files.
Restore Factory Settings Restore product settings to factory defaults.
Use the HP Embedded Web Server