CLI commands
local mesh qos mechanism
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
local mesh qos mechanism (disabled | 802.1p | very_high | high | normal | low |
diffsrv | tos | ip_qos)
Set the QoS priority mechanism.
enable vsc services
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
enable vsc services
Enable wireless services when the service controller is unreachable.
no enable vsc services
Shutdown wireless services when the service controller is unreachable.
inherit service availability
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
inherit service availability
Inherit service availability from parent.
no inherit service availability
Do not inherit service availability from parent.
inherit l3subnets
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
inherit l3subnets
Inherit L3 subnets from parent.
no inherit l3subnets
Do not inherit L3 subnets from parent.
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
l3subnet <vlanid> <ipsubnet> <ipnetmask>
Add a new l3subnet to the list.
no l3subnet <vlanid> <ipsubnet> <ipnetmask>
Delete an l3subnet from the list.
inherit switch ports
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
inherit switch ports
Inherit settings from the switch ports.