
HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro Pro mv2040mv2040HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro Pro mv2040mv2040 Datasheet
Actual Actual product product may may vary vary from from image image shown shown on on datasheet.datasheet. The The information information contained contained herein herein is is subject subject to to change change without without notice. notice. The The only only warranties warranties for for HP HP products products and and services services are are set set forth forth in in the the express express warranty warranty statements statements accompanying accompanying such such products products and and services. services. Nothing
Nothing shall shall be be construed construed as as constituting constituting an an additional additional warranty. warranty. HP HP shall shall not not be be liable liable for for technical technical or or editorial editorial errors errors or or omissions omissions contained contained herein. herein.
2007 2007 Hewlett-Packard Hewlett-Packard Development Development Company, Company, L.P. L.P. 07/12_kh 07/12_kh r3 r3 Product Number: GJ422AA #ABAProduct Number: GJ422AA #ABA
Actual Actual product product may may vary vary from from image image shown shown on on datasheet.datasheet. The The information information contained contained herein herein is is subject subject to to change change without without notice. notice. The The only only warranties warranties for for HP HP products products and and services services are are set set forth forth in in the the express express warranty warranty statements statements accompanying accompanying such such products products and and services. services. Nothing
Nothing shall shall be be construed construed as as constituting constituting an an additional additional warranty. warranty. HP HP shall shall not not be be liable liable for for technical technical or or editorial editorial errors errors or or omissions omissions contained contained herein. herein.
2007 2007 Hewlett-Packard Hewlett-Packard Development Development Company, Company, L.P. L.P. 07/12_kh 07/12_kh r3 r3 Product Number: GJ422AA #ABAProduct Number: GJ422AA #ABA
Actual Actual product product may may vary vary from from image image shown shown on on datasheet.datasheet. The The information information contained contained herein herein is is subject subject to to change change without without notice. notice. The The only only warranties warranties for for HP HP products products and and services services are are set set forth forth in in the the express express warranty warranty statements statements accompanying accompanying such such products products and and services. services. Nothing
Nothing shall shall be be construed construed as as constituting constituting an an additional additional warranty. warranty. HP HP shall shall not not be be liable liable for for technical technical or or editorial editorial errors errors or or omissions omissions contained contained herein. herein.
2007 2007 Hewlett-Packard Hewlett-Packard Development Development Company, Company, L.P. L.P. 07/12_kh 07/12_kh r3 r3 Product Number: GJ422AA #ABAProduct Number: GJ422AA #ABA
Network Network supportsupport
10/100/1000 10/100/1000 (Gigabit) (Gigabit) RJ45 RJ45 Ethernet Ethernet - - Connect Connect the the HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media
Media Vault Vault Pro Pro to to your your router router to to make make it it available available to to both both wired wired and and wireless wireless PCs
PCs on on your your network.network.
Network Network supportsupportNetwork Network supportsupport
10/100/1000 10/100/1000 (Gigabit) (Gigabit) RJ45 RJ45 Ethernet Ethernet - - Connect Connect the the HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media
Media Vault Vault Pro Pro to to your your router router to to make make it it available available to to both both wired wired and and wireless wireless PCs
PCs on on your your network.network.
10/100/1000 10/100/1000 (Gigabit) (Gigabit) RJ45 RJ45 Ethernet Ethernet - - Connect Connect the the HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media
Media Vault Vault Pro Pro to to your your router router to to make make it it available available to to both both wired wired and and wireless wireless PCs
PCs on on your your network.network.
10/100/1000 10/100/1000 (Gigabit) (Gigabit) RJ45 RJ45 Ethernet Ethernet - - Connect Connect the the HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media
Media Vault Vault Pro Pro to to your your router router to to make make it it available available to to both both wired wired and and wireless wireless PCs
PCs on on your your network.network.
3 3 USB USB 2.0 2.0 ports: ports: 1 1 on on front, front, 2 2 on on backback
3 3 USB USB 2.0 2.0 ports: ports: 1 1 on on front, front, 2 2 on on backback
3 3 USB USB 2.0 2.0 ports: ports: 1 1 on on front, front, 2 2 on on backback3 3 USB USB 2.0 2.0 ports: ports: 1 1 on on front, front, 2 2 on on backback
Internal Internal hard hard drivedrive
Internal Internal hard hard drivedriveInternal Internal hard hard drivedrive
Internal Internal hard hard drive drive capacity
capacity (for (for shipped shipped products)
Two 500GB Two 500GB hard hard disk disk drivesdrives
Internal Internal hard hard drive drive capacity
capacity (for (for shipped shipped products)
Internal Internal hard hard drive drive capacity
capacity (for (for shipped shipped products)
Two 500GB Two 500GB hard hard disk disk drivesdrives
Two 500GB Two 500GB hard hard disk disk drivesdrivesTwo 500GB Two 500GB hard hard disk disk drivesdrives
Maximum Maximum storage storage capacity
1.2 1.2 Terabytes Terabytes (total (total supported supported capacity capacity of of all all internal internal and and external external drives drives connected
connected to to the HP the HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro).Pro).
Maximum Maximum storage storage capacity
Maximum Maximum storage storage capacity
1.2 1.2 Terabytes Terabytes (total (total supported supported capacity capacity of of all all internal internal and and external external drives drives connected
connected to to the HP the HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro).Pro).
1.2 1.2 Terabytes Terabytes (total (total supported supported capacity capacity of of all all internal internal and and external external drives drives connected
connected to to the HP the HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro).Pro).
1.2 1.2 Terabytes Terabytes (total (total supported supported capacity capacity of of all all internal internal and and external external drives drives connected
connected to to the HP the HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro).Pro).
Additional Additional hard hard drivesdrives
External External USB USB hard hard disk disk drives can drives can be be added added using using any any of of the the three three USB USB portsports
Additional Additional hard hard drives
Additional Additional hard hard drives
External External USB USB hard hard disk disk drives can drives can be be added added using using any any of of the the three three USB USB portsports
External External USB USB hard hard disk disk drives can drives can be be added added using using any any of of the the three three USB USB portsportsExternal External USB USB hard hard disk disk drives can drives can be be added added using using any any of of the the three three USB USB portsports
Disk Disk mirroringmirroring
Can Can be be configured configured as as RAID RAID 1 1 (a (a redundant redundant copy copy of of your your files) files) using using the the second
second hard hard disk disk drive drive in in expansion expansion bay bay slot.slot.
Disk Disk mirroringmirroringDisk Disk mirroringmirroring
Can Can be be configured configured as as RAID RAID 1 1 (a (a redundant redundant copy copy of of your your files) files) using using the the second
second hard hard disk disk drive drive in in expansion expansion bay bay slot.slot.
Can Can be be configured configured as as RAID RAID 1 1 (a (a redundant redundant copy copy of of your your files) files) using using the the second
second hard hard disk disk drive drive in in expansion expansion bay bay slot.slot.
Can Can be be configured configured as as RAID RAID 1 1 (a (a redundant redundant copy copy of of your your files) files) using using the the second
second hard hard disk disk drive drive in in expansion expansion bay bay slot.slot.
File File sharingsharing
Supports Supports file file sharing sharing from from WindowsWindows
, , Mac Mac and and Linux-based Linux-based computers computers over over a a network.
Online Online secure secure file file sharing sharing via via Spare Spare Backup Backup Workgroup Workgroup services.services.
File File sharingsharingFile File sharingsharing
Supports Supports file file sharing sharing from from WindowsWindows
, , Mac Mac and and Linux-based Linux-based computers computers over over a a network.
Online Online secure secure file file sharing sharing via via Spare Spare Backup Backup Workgroup Workgroup services.services.
Supports Supports file file sharing sharing from from WindowsWindows
, , Mac Mac and and Linux-based Linux-based computers computers over over a a network.
Supports Supports file file sharing sharing from from WindowsWindows
, , Mac Mac and and Linux-based Linux-based computers computers over over a a network.
Online Online secure secure file file sharing sharing via via Spare Spare Backup Backup Workgroup Workgroup services.services.
Online Online secure secure file file sharing sharing via via Spare Spare Backup Backup Workgroup Workgroup services.services.
Print Print serverserver
Supports Supports up up to to 3 3 printers printers connected connected to to USB USB ports.ports.
Print Print serverserverPrint Print serverserver
Supports Supports up up to to 3 3 printers printers connected connected to to USB USB ports.ports.
Supports Supports up up to to 3 3 printers printers connected connected to to USB USB ports.ports.Supports Supports up up to to 3 3 printers printers connected connected to to USB USB ports.ports.
Internal Internal universal universal power power supply supply avoids avoids clutter clutter of of external external power power “brick.”“brick.”
Internal Internal universal universal power power supply supply avoids avoids clutter clutter of of external external power power “brick.”“brick.”
Internal Internal universal universal power power supply supply avoids avoids clutter clutter of of external external power power “brick.”“brick.”Internal Internal universal universal power power supply supply avoids avoids clutter clutter of of external external power power “brick.”“brick.”
Language Language supportsupport
Language Language supportsupportLanguage Language supportsupport
13" 13" x x 9.4" 9.4" x x 4.3" 4.3"
[33 [33 cm cm x x 24 24 cm cm x x 11 11 cm]cm]
13" 13" x x 9.4" 9.4" x x 4.3" 4.3"
[33 [33 cm cm x x 24 24 cm cm x x 11 11 cm]cm]
13" 13" x x 9.4" 9.4" x x 4.3" 4.3"
[33 [33 cm cm x x 24 24 cm cm x x 11 11 cm]cm]
13" 13" x x 9.4" 9.4" x x 4.3" 4.3"
[33 [33 cm cm x x 24 24 cm cm x x 11 11 cm]cm]
12.7 12.7 lb. lb.
[5.8 [5.8 kg]kg]
12.7 12.7 lb. lb.
[5.8 [5.8 kg]kg]
12.7 12.7 lb. lb.
[5.8 [5.8 kg]kg]
12.7 12.7 lb. lb.
[5.8 [5.8 kg]kg]
HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro Pro Software Software - - Easy Easy control control center center for for configuring
configuring the the HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro, Pro, scheduling scheduling backups backups and and setting
setting up up media media streaming. streaming.
Spare Spare Backup Backup Software Software - - Online Online backup, backup, archive, archive, sharing, sharing, and and collaboration collaboration with
with Spare Spare Backup Backup Workgroup Workgroup servicesservices
HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro Pro Software Software - - Easy Easy control control center center for for configuring
configuring the the HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro, Pro, scheduling scheduling backups backups and and setting
setting up up media media streaming. streaming.
Spare Spare Backup Backup Software Software - - Online Online backup, backup, archive, archive, sharing, sharing, and and collaboration collaboration with
with Spare Spare Backup Backup Workgroup Workgroup servicesservices
HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro Pro Software Software - - Easy Easy control control center center for for configuring
configuring the the HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro, Pro, scheduling scheduling backups backups and and setting
setting up up media media streaming. streaming.
HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro Pro Software Software - - Easy Easy control control center center for for configuring
configuring the the HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro, Pro, scheduling scheduling backups backups and and setting
setting up up media media streaming. streaming.
Spare Spare Backup Backup Software Software - - Online Online backup, backup, archive, archive, sharing, sharing, and and collaboration collaboration with
with Spare Spare Backup Backup Workgroup Workgroup servicesservices
Spare Spare Backup Backup Software Software - - Online Online backup, backup, archive, archive, sharing, sharing, and and collaboration collaboration with
with Spare Spare Backup Backup Workgroup Workgroup servicesservices
File File backupbackup
File File backup backup software software allows allows for for continuous continuous or or scheduled scheduled backups backups of of PCs PCs to to the the HP
HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro. Pro. Supports Supports saving saving multiple multiple previous previous file file versions
versions on on the the HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro. Pro.
File File backupbackupFile File backupbackup
File File backup backup software software allows allows for for continuous continuous or or scheduled scheduled backups backups of of PCs PCs to to the the HP
HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro. Pro. Supports Supports saving saving multiple multiple previous previous file file versions
versions on on the the HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro. Pro.
File File backup backup software software allows allows for for continuous continuous or or scheduled scheduled backups backups of of PCs PCs to to the the HP
HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro. Pro. Supports Supports saving saving multiple multiple previous previous file file versions
versions on on the the HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro. Pro.
File File backup backup software software allows allows for for continuous continuous or or scheduled scheduled backups backups of of PCs PCs to to the the HP
HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro. Pro. Supports Supports saving saving multiple multiple previous previous file file versions
versions on on the the HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro. Pro.
Drive Drive backupbackup
Drive Drive Backup Backup software software copies copies snapshots snapshots of of your your networked networked PC PC hard hard drives drives onto
onto the the HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro.Pro.
Drive Drive backupbackupDrive Drive backupbackup
Drive Drive Backup Backup software software copies copies snapshots snapshots of of your your networked networked PC PC hard hard drives drives onto
onto the the HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro.Pro.
Drive Drive Backup Backup software software copies copies snapshots snapshots of of your your networked networked PC PC hard hard drives drives onto
onto the the HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro.Pro.
Drive Drive Backup Backup software software copies copies snapshots snapshots of of your your networked networked PC PC hard hard drives drives onto
onto the the HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro.Pro.
Online Online BackupBackup
Automatic Automatic and and continuous continuous secure secure offsite offsite backup backup of of networked networked PCs PCs with with Spare Spare Backup
Backup WorkgroupWorkgroup
. .
2GB 2GB offsite offsite storage storage included, included, up up to to 1TB 1TB of of offsite offsite storage available storage available by by subscription
Online Online BackupBackupOnline Online BackupBackup
Automatic Automatic and and continuous continuous secure secure offsite offsite backup backup of of networked networked PCs PCs with with Spare Spare Backup
Backup WorkgroupWorkgroup
. .
2GB 2GB offsite offsite storage storage included, included, up up to to 1TB 1TB of of offsite offsite storage available storage available by by subscription
Automatic Automatic and and continuous continuous secure secure offsite offsite backup backup of of networked networked PCs PCs with with Spare Spare Backup
Backup WorkgroupWorkgroup
. .
Automatic Automatic and and continuous continuous secure secure offsite offsite backup backup of of networked networked PCs PCs with with Spare Spare Backup
Backup WorkgroupWorkgroup
. .
2GB 2GB offsite offsite storage storage included, included, up up to to 1TB 1TB of of offsite offsite storage available storage available by by subscription
2GB 2GB offsite offsite storage storage included, included, up up to to 1TB 1TB of of offsite offsite storage available storage available by by subscription
Administrative Administrative Controls
Set Set up up shared shared folders, folders, shared shared printers, printers, access access privileges, privileges, network network settings, settings, and and other
other custom custom settings. settings.
Spare Spare Backup Backup provides provides central central administration administration for for online online backup, backup, sharing, sharing, and and recovery
Administrative Administrative Controls
Administrative Administrative Controls
Set Set up up shared shared folders, folders, shared shared printers, printers, access access privileges, privileges, network network settings, settings, and and other
other custom custom settings. settings.
Spare Spare Backup Backup provides provides central central administration administration for for online online backup, backup, sharing, sharing, and and recovery
Set Set up up shared shared folders, folders, shared shared printers, printers, access access privileges, privileges, network network settings, settings, and and other
other custom custom settings. settings.
Set Set up up shared shared folders, folders, shared shared printers, printers, access access privileges, privileges, network network settings, settings, and and other
other custom custom settings. settings.
Spare Spare Backup Backup provides provides central central administration administration for for online online backup, backup, sharing, sharing, and and recovery
Spare Spare Backup Backup provides provides central central administration administration for for online online backup, backup, sharing, sharing, and and recovery
PC PC hard hard drive drive restorerestore
In In the the event event of of a a PC PC hard hard drive drive failure, failure, the the included included HP HP PC PC Restore Restore disc disc is is all all you
you need need to to restore restore a a hard hard drive drive image image of of your your PC PC – – no no need need to to locate locate your your original
original operating operating system system disc.disc.
PC PC hard hard drive drive restorerestorePC PC hard hard drive drive restorerestore
In In the the event event of of a a PC PC hard hard drive drive failure, failure, the the included included HP HP PC PC Restore Restore disc disc is is all all you
you need need to to restore restore a a hard hard drive drive image image of of your your PC PC – – no no need need to to locate locate your your original
original operating operating system system disc.disc.
In In the the event event of of a a PC PC hard hard drive drive failure, failure, the the included included HP HP PC PC Restore Restore disc disc is is all all you
you need need to to restore restore a a hard hard drive drive image image of of your your PC PC – – no no need need to to locate locate your your original
original operating operating system system disc.disc.
In In the the event event of of a a PC PC hard hard drive drive failure, failure, the the included included HP HP PC PC Restore Restore disc disc is is all all you
you need need to to restore restore a a hard hard drive drive image image of of your your PC PC no no need need to to locate locate your your original
original operating operating system system disc.disc.
Operating Operating system system support
File, File, Drive, Drive, and and Online Online backup backup - - Microsoft Microsoft Windows Windows XP, XP, 2000 2000 Professional Professional SP4,
SP4, Windows Windows Vista. Vista.
File File sharing sharing - - Windows Windows 2000 2000 (SP4), (SP4), Windows Windows XP, XP, ME, ME, 98SE, 98SE, MAC MAC OS OS 10, 10, Linux.
Operating Operating system system support
Operating Operating system system support
File, File, Drive, Drive, and and Online Online backup backup - - Microsoft Microsoft Windows Windows XP, XP, 2000 2000 Professional Professional SP4,
SP4, Windows Windows Vista. Vista.
File File sharing sharing - - Windows Windows 2000 2000 (SP4), (SP4), Windows Windows XP, XP, ME, ME, 98SE, 98SE, MAC MAC OS OS 10, 10, Linux.
File, File, Drive, Drive, and and Online Online backup backup - - Microsoft Microsoft Windows Windows XP, XP, 2000 2000 Professional Professional SP4,
SP4, Windows Windows Vista. Vista.
File, File, Drive, Drive, and and Online Online backup backup - - Microsoft Microsoft Windows Windows XP, XP, 2000 2000 Professional Professional SP4,
SP4, Windows Windows Vista. Vista.
File File sharing sharing - - Windows Windows 2000 2000 (SP4), (SP4), Windows Windows XP, XP, ME, ME, 98SE, 98SE, MAC MAC OS OS 10, 10, Linux.
File File sharing sharing - - Windows Windows 2000 2000 (SP4), (SP4), Windows Windows XP, XP, ME, ME, 98SE, 98SE, MAC MAC OS OS 10, 10, Linux.
Media Media Vault Vault BackupBackup
Ability Ability to to backup backup HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro Pro files files to to an an external external hard hard drive
drive or or Spare Spare Backup Backup secure secure online online storage storage to to create create an an additional additional copy copy of of important
important filesfiles
Media Media Vault Vault BackupBackupMedia Media Vault Vault BackupBackup
Ability Ability to to backup backup HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro Pro files files to to an an external external hard hard drive
drive or or Spare Spare Backup Backup secure secure online online storage storage to to create create an an additional additional copy copy of of important
important filesfiles
Ability Ability to to backup backup HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro Pro files files to to an an external external hard hard drive
drive or or Spare Spare Backup Backup secure secure online online storage storage to to create create an an additional additional copy copy of of important
important filesfiles
Ability Ability to to backup backup HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro Pro files files to to an an external external hard hard drive
drive or or Spare Spare Backup Backup secure secure online online storage storage to to create create an an additional additional copy copy of of important
important filesfiles
Warranty Warranty and and SupportSupportWarranty Warranty and and SupportSupport
Service Service and and WarrantyWarranty
HP HP stands stands behind behind our our products products with with award-winning award-winning service service and and support support that that is is available
available by by phone, phone, e-mail e-mail or or online. online. HP HP provides provides help help when when you you need need it, it, and and the
the peace peace of of mind mind that that comes comes from from knowing knowing your your investment investment is is protected. protected. HP HP StorageWorks Media
StorageWorks Media Vault Pro comes Vault Pro comes with with a a one-year one-year limited limited hardware hardware warranty
warranty with with software software technical technical support support for for 90 90 days days from from date date of of purchase. purchase.
- - Every Every HP HP StorageWorks Media StorageWorks Media Vault Pro is Vault Pro is backed backed by by HP HP Total Total Care Care service service and
and support support - - dedicated dedicated to to helping helping you you the the way way you you want want to to be be helped, helped, whether
whether it's it's on on the the phone phone or or online. online.
-- -- HP HP StorageWorks Media StorageWorks Media Vault Pro software Vault Pro software features features a a Media Media Vault Vault icon icon on on your
your client client that that provides provides access access to to questions, questions, answers answers and and trouble-shooting trouble-shooting information
information via via a a one-stop one-stop Help Help and and Support Support area. area.
Service Service and and Warranty
Service Service and and Warranty
HP HP stands stands behind behind our our products products with with award-winning award-winning service service and and support support that that is is available
available by by phone, phone, e-mail e-mail or or online. online. HP HP provides provides help help when when you you need need it, it, and and the
the peace peace of of mind mind that that comes comes from from knowing knowing your your investment investment is is protected. protected. HP HP StorageWorks Media
StorageWorks Media Vault Pro comes Vault Pro comes with with a a one-year one-year limited limited hardware hardware warranty
warranty with with software software technical technical support support for for 90 90 days days from from date date of of purchase. purchase.
- - Every Every HP HP StorageWorks Media StorageWorks Media Vault Pro is Vault Pro is backed backed by by HP HP Total Total Care Care service service and
and support support - - dedicated dedicated to to helping helping you you the the way way you you want want to to be be helped, helped, whether
whether it's it's on on the the phone phone or or online. online.
-- -- HP HP StorageWorks Media StorageWorks Media Vault Pro software Vault Pro software features features a a Media Media Vault Vault icon icon on on your
your client client that that provides provides access access to to questions, questions, answers answers and and trouble-shooting trouble-shooting information
information via via a a one-stop one-stop Help Help and and Support Support area. area.
HP HP stands stands behind behind our our products products with with award-winning award-winning service service and and support support that that is is available
available by by phone, phone, e-mail e-mail or or online. online. HP HP provides provides help help when when you you need need it, it, and and the
the peace peace of of mind mind that that comes comes from from knowing knowing your your investment investment is is protected. protected. HP HP StorageWorks Media
StorageWorks Media Vault Pro comes Vault Pro comes with with a a one-year one-year limited limited hardware hardware warranty
warranty with with software software technical technical support support for for 90 90 days days from from date date of of purchase. purchase.
- - Every Every HP HP StorageWorks Media StorageWorks Media Vault Pro is Vault Pro is backed backed by by HP HP Total Total Care Care service service and
and support support - - dedicated dedicated to to helping helping you you the the way way you you want want to to be be helped, helped, whether
whether it's it's on on the the phone phone or or online. online.
-- -- HP HP StorageWorks Media StorageWorks Media Vault Pro software Vault Pro software features features a a Media Media Vault Vault icon icon on on your
your client client that that provides provides access access to to questions, questions, answers answers and and trouble-shooting trouble-shooting information
information via via a a one-stop one-stop Help Help and and Support Support area. area.
HP HP stands stands behind behind our our products products with with award-winning award-winning service service and and support support that that is is available
available by by phone, phone, e-mail e-mail or or online. online. HP HP provides provides help help when when you you need need it, it, and and the
the peace peace of of mind mind that that comes comes from from knowing knowing your your investment investment is is protected. protected. HP HP StorageWorks Media
StorageWorks Media Vault Pro comes Vault Pro comes with with a a one-year one-year limited limited hardware hardware warranty
warranty with with software software technical technical support support for for 90 90 days days from from date date of of purchase. purchase.
- - Every Every HP HP StorageWorks Media StorageWorks Media Vault Pro is Vault Pro is backed backed by by HP HP Total Total Care Care service service and
and support support - - dedicated dedicated to to helping helping you you the the way way you you want want to to be be helped, helped, whether
whether it's it's on on the the phone phone or or online. online.
-- -- HP HP StorageWorks Media StorageWorks Media Vault Pro software Vault Pro software features features a a Media Media Vault Vault icon icon on on your
your client client that that provides provides access access to to questions, questions, answers answers and and trouble-shooting trouble-shooting information
information via via a a one-stop one-stop Help Help and and Support Support area. area.
Product Product numbernumber
Product Product numbernumberProduct Product numbernumber
Package Package contentscontents
HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro, Pro, power power cord, cord, Ethernet Ethernet cable, cable, printed printed Quick
Quick Start Start Guide, Guide, printed printed Support Support Guide, Guide, HP HP Media Media Vault Vault Software, Software, HP HP Media
Media Vault Vault Manual Manual on on CD, CD, HP HP PC PC Restore Restore disc, disc, Second Second hard hard dist dist drive drive configuration
configuration instruction instruction sheet, HP sheet, HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro Pro Brochure, Spare
Brochure, Spare Backup Backup Workgroup Workgroup CD.CD.
Package Package contentscontentsPackage Package contentscontents
HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro, Pro, power power cord, cord, Ethernet Ethernet cable, cable, printed printed Quick
Quick Start Start Guide, Guide, printed printed Support Support Guide, Guide, HP HP Media Media Vault Vault Software, Software, HP HP Media
Media Vault Vault Manual Manual on on CD, CD, HP HP PC PC Restore Restore disc, disc, Second Second hard hard dist dist drive drive configuration
configuration instruction instruction sheet, HP sheet, HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro Pro Brochure, Spare
Brochure, Spare Backup Backup Workgroup Workgroup CD.CD.
HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro, Pro, power power cord, cord, Ethernet Ethernet cable, cable, printed printed Quick
Quick Start Start Guide, Guide, printed printed Support Support Guide, Guide, HP HP Media Media Vault Vault Software, Software, HP HP Media
Media Vault Vault Manual Manual on on CD, CD, HP HP PC PC Restore Restore disc, disc, Second Second hard hard dist dist drive drive configuration
configuration instruction instruction sheet, HP sheet, HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro Pro Brochure, Spare
Brochure, Spare Backup Backup Workgroup Workgroup CD.CD.
HP HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro, Pro, power power cord, cord, Ethernet Ethernet cable, cable, printed printed Quick
Quick Start Start Guide, Guide, printed printed Support Support Guide, Guide, HP HP Media Media Vault Vault Software, Software, HP HP Media
Media Vault Vault Manual Manual on on CD, CD, HP HP PC PC Restore Restore disc, disc, Second Second hard hard dist dist drive drive configuration
configuration instruction instruction sheet, HP sheet, HP StorageWorks StorageWorks Media Media Vault Vault Pro Pro Brochure, Spare
Brochure, Spare Backup Backup Workgroup Workgroup CD.CD.