
A single formula can add content to every cell in a column or row. For example, move to C (the heading cell for column C), enter
S.SIN(Row) and press E. Each cell in the column is populated with the sine of the cell’s row number. A similar
process enables you to populate every cell in a row with the same formula. You can also add a formula once and have it apply
to every cell in the spreadsheet. You do this by placing the formula in the cell at the top left (the cell with the HP logo in it). To see
how this works, suppose you want to generate a table of powers (squares, cubes, and so on) starting with the squares:
1. Tap on the cell with the HP logo in it (at the top left corner). Alternatively you can use the
cursor keys to move to that cell (just as you can to select a column or row heading).
2. On the entry line type S. Row k R Col +1
Note that Row and Col are built-in variables. They are placeholders for the row number and
column number of the cell that has a formula containing them.
3. Tap or Press E.
Note that each column gives the nth power of the row number starting with the squares. Thus
is 59,049.
Cell references and naming
You can refer to the value of a cell in formulas as if it were a variable. A cell is referenced by its column and row coordinates, and
references can be absolute or relative. An absolute reference is written as $C$R (where C is the column number and R the row
number). Thus $B$7 is an absolute reference. In a formula it will always refer to the data in cell B7 wherever that formula, or a
copy of it, is placed. On the other hand, B7 is a relative reference. It is based on the relative position of cells. Thus a formula in,
say, B8 that references B7 will reference C7 instead of B7 if it is copied to C8.
Ranges of cells can also be specified, as in C6:E12, as can entire columns (E:E) or entire rows ($3:$5). Note that the alphabetic
component of column names can be uppercase or lowercase except for columns g, l, m, and z. These must be in lowercase if not
preceded by $. Thus cell B1 can be referred to as B1,b1,$B$1 or $b$1 whereas M1 can only be referred to as m1, $m$1, or
$M$1. (G, L, M, and Z are names reserved for graphic objects, lists, matrices, and complex numbers.)