130 Advanced Graphing app
The tracer does not extend beyond the current Plot view
window. The table below contains brief descriptions of each
Trace option Description
Off Turns tracing off so that you can move
the cursor freely in Plot view
Inside Constrains the tracer to move within a
region where the current relation is true.
You can move in any direction within
the region. Use this option for
inequalities, for example.
Edge Constrains the tracer to move along an
edge of the current relation, if one can
be found. Use this option for functions
as well as for inequalities, etc.
PoI >
Jumps from one x-intercept to another
on the current graph
PoI >
Jumps from one y-intercept to another
on the current graph
PoI >
Jumps between the horizontal extrema
on the current graph
PoI >
Jumps between the vertical extrema on
the current graph
PoI >
Jumps from one inflection point to
another on the current graph
Selection Opens a menu so you can select which
relation to trace. This option is needed
= and \ no longer jump from
relation to relation for tracing. All four
cursor keys are needed for moving the
tracer in the Advanced Graphing app.