58 Computer algebra system (CAS)
Setting the form
of menu items
One setting that affects the CAS is made outside the CAS
Settings screen. This setting determines whether the
commands on the CAS menu are presented descriptively or by
their command name. Here are some examples of identical
functions that are presented differently depending on what
presentation mode you select:
The default menu presentation mode is to provide the
descriptive names for the CAS functions. If you prefer the
Specify the maximum number of
embedded variables allowed in a
single evaluation in a program.
See also Recursive Evalua-
tion above.
Specify the maximum number of
embedded function calls allowed.
Epsilon Any number smaller than the
value specified for epsilon will be
shown as zero.
Probability Specify the maximum probability
of an answer being wrong for
non-deterministic algorithms. Set
this to zero for deterministic algo-
Newton Specify the maximum number of
iterations when using the Newto-
nian method to find the roots of a
Setting Purpose (Cont.)
Descriptive name Command name
Factor List ifactors
Complex Zeros cZeros
Groebner Basis gbasis
Factor by Degree factor_xn
Find Roots proot