CMG, one of Asia’s leading financial services providers, realised that
closing sales on the spot was critical to success and a change in processes
could provide the company with an unbeatable competitive edge. The key
to this plan was to ensure that the CMG sales force had quick access to
information at all times.
With the HP iPAQ Pocket PC, the CMG team can access policies and
underwriting guidelines no matter where they are. Built-in financial planning
tools such as risk assessment and financial status analysis help them create
tailor-made solutions based on specific parameters. And prospective clients
can instantly evaluate alternatives using key criteria such as premium rates.
With the HP iPAQ, consumers can now get CMG financial solutions
anytime, anywhere. There’s no more waiting for the agent to return to the
office, process a service offering and present an appropriate proposal.
“Compared to other platforms,
the HP iPAQ offers more
performance and expansion
possibilities, such as built-in
support for Bluetooth, which
makes it easier for us to add
future functionality such as
remote connectivity.”
Chris Lane
Regional Manager
Information Technology
CMG Asia
HP iPAQ success story
CMG Asia, Hong Kong
The challenge
- Achieve a competitive edge by delivering
on-the-spot financial products and planning services
The solution
- An end-to-end mobile solution based on HP iPAQ
with INTERACTlife’s insurance agent software that
incorporates product information, premium calculation
and data capture functions
- Back-end system based on HP 9000 UNIX servers,
HP ProLiant synchronisation and database server
- INTERACTlife WTA Synchronisation software
supporting 2-way data update over GPRS, WLAN,
and PC Cradle
The results
- Instant premium calculation that speeds up the sales
cycle and improves agents’ ability to close deals on
the spot
- Up-to-date insurance and financial product information
is available right at the agent’s fingertips through
the HP iPAQ
- Vast improvement in response time leading to greater
customer satisfaction
- Improved communication and support from the office
CMG Asia speeds up the sales cycle with
an HP iPAQ business solution