
EN Introduction 8-1
PCL Font Selection
Several characteristics identify a font (as described in Chapter 7,
Fonts). Font characteristic selection commands, described in
this chapter, are used to specify the desired font characteristics
for printing. Commands are included for the following
characteristics: symbol set, spacing, pitch, height, style, stroke
weight, and typeface family.
The printer maintains a font select table in its operating code
that contains the characteristic values of the current font.
Whenever the printer receives a font select command (escape
sequence) specifying a new characteristic value, the printer
records that characteristic in the table. After the table is updated
(receives new characteristic values), and text is ready to be
printed, the printer performs a font select. The printer searches
the available fonts and scalable typefaces to select one that
matches (or most closely matches) the characteristics as listed in
the font select table.
Note A font must be in the printer to be selected for printing!