
EN Raster Graphics 6-33
Transfer Raster Data by Plane
This command sends a plane of data to the printer and advances to
the next plane (not to the next row).
? * b # V [raster data]
The value field (#) identifies the number of bytes in the plane. The
number of planes per row is specified by the Simple Color command
?*r#U) or the Configure Image Data command (?*v#W),
depending on which color mode is used. The first plane sent
represents the least significant bit in the pixel.
?*b#V does not advance the cursor to the beginning of the
next raster row, it cannot be used for the last plane or for single-plane
rows. Only
?*b#W can advance the cursor to the next row.
The amount of data sent varies from plane to plane and is
independent of raster width. Planes shorter than the raster width are
zero-filled. Empty planes can be sent using
Note For monochrome printers, zero indicates a white pixel. For color
printers, the color indicated by zero depends on the current palette.
Transfer Raster Data By Row/Block Command
The Transfer Raster Data command is used to transfer a row of raster
data to the printer. This command is used for sending all raster
graphics data to monochrome printers. It is also used for color
printers when encoding the raster data by pixel rather than by plane.
When encoding color raster data by plane, this command is used for
single-plane rows, or for the last plane in a multi-plane row, since this
command advances the cursor position to the beginning of the next
raster row.
? * b # W [raster data]
Default =N/A
Range = 0 to 32767
Default =N/A
Range = 0 to 32767