
Use Webscan
Webscan lets you perform a basic scan through the HP JetDirect 175x using just a Web
browser. It also lets you perform the scan from your HP all-in-one without the device
software installed on your computer. Just enter the IP address of the HP JetDirect in a
Web browser and access the HP JetDirect embedded Web server and Webscan. For
more information on printing a network configuration page to obtain the IP address of
the HP JetDirect, see the user guide that came with your HP JetDirect 175x.
The user interface for Webscan is unique to using the HP Jet Direct and does not
support scan-to destinations like the HP Image Zone scanning software. The e-mail
functionality of Webscan is limited, so it is recommended you use the HP Image Zone
scanning software for this feature instead.
Chapter 3
22 HP PSC 2350 series all-in-one
Connection information