
Company Writer's Guide
[For Illustration Only] B-10
Symbols for Units in General Use (Cont’d)
Unit Symbol Notes
called degree kelvin and assigned it the symbol K
(without the symbol °).
kilo k SI prefix for 10
kilogauss kG Deprecated (see ANSI Z210.1-1976).
kilogram kg SI unit of mass.
kilogram-force kgf
Deprecated (see ANSI Z210.1-1976). In some
countries, the name kilopond (kp) has been used
for this unit.
kilohertz kHz
kilohm kΩ
kilometer km
kilometer per hour km/h
kilopound-force klbf
Kilopound-force should not be misinterpreted as
kilopond (see kilogram-force).
kilovar kvar
kilovolt kV
kilovoltampere kVA
kilowatt kW
kilowatthour kWh Also kWh
knot kn 1 kn = 1 nmi/h
lambert L
1 L = (1/Π) cd/cm
. A CGS unit of luminance.
One lumen per square centimeter leaves a
surface whose luminance is one lambert in all
directions within a hemisphere. Deprecated
(see ANSI Z210.1-1976).