4 Internet PS/2 Multimedia Keyboard
Filename: m3adfkb.doc Title: Self-cover booklet [6.25 x 7.75]
Template: HP-Print2K.dot Author: JimL Last Saved By: JimL
Revision #: 9 Page: 4 of 20 Printed: 06/04/03 02:30 PM
Function keys
The function keys are the F1 through F12 keys
located above the main keys. Pressing F1 opens
a Help window for the software program being
used. Pressing F3 opens a search window. F1
and F3 are available at all times. Other function
key operations may depend on what software
program you are using.
Arrow keys
The arrow keys are controls for up, down, right,
and left. You can use these keys instead of the
mouse to move the cursor for navigation in a
Web site, in a document, or in a game.