Front Panel LEDs
The front panel has five LEDs that indicate the status of the UPS.
1 2 3 4 5
Item Description Symbol Meaning
1 Utility
Solid greenNormal operation
Rapidly flashing green—Ramp Up mode
Slowly flashing greenStandby mode (batteries charging)
2 Battery
Solid amberOn Battery
Flashing amberBattery test in progress
3 Bypass
Solid amberOn Bypass
Flashing amber—Bypass not available
4 Alarm
Solid redOne or more alarms may be present or active
5 Redundant
Solid greenN+1 mode (one or more redundant electronics
modules operating in system)
Flashing green—Battery self-test initiated
OffNon-redundant, not N+1 mode
Figure 2-3: Front panel LED display
NOTE: The LED lights cycle when no electronics modules are installed and utility is present. In
Standby mode, there is no output but the batteries will be charging. The time required to reach Standby
mode can range from 45 seconds to several minutes, depending on the state of charge of the batteries.
HP Uninterruptible Power System R12000 XR Models User Guide 2-3
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