
Index 60
front panel LEDs 8
general alarm condition 40
General Alarm LED, location 8
General Alarm LED, troubleshooting 38
ground bonding cable, connecting 21
grounding methods 57
hardware options 48
hardware, preparing to install 11
high-current output receptacle, connecting 21
high-current output receptacle, location 9
high-current output receptacle, specifications 44
HP Power Manager 30
HP Technical Support 49
identification number 52
input specifications 43
input voltage is out of range 40
installation instructions 11
installing the batteries 17
installing the ERM 23
installing the rails 13
installing the UPS 15
insufficient low battery warning 40
internal UPS fault condition 40
Japanese notice 55
LEDs, testing 28
LEDs, troubleshooting 38
LEDs, unit identification (UID) 8
limited warranty 50
load protection guarantee 50
load segments, controlling 30
load segments, location 9
load segments, specifications 44
low battery shutdowns 41
low battery warning, insufficient 40, 41
maintenance 31
modes of operation 26
modifications, FCC notice 54
mounting rails 13
nominal voltage, configuring 27
On Battery LED, location 8
On Battery LED, troubleshooting 38
On button, location 7
Operate mode 26
operations, UPS 26
option card, replacing 33
optional items 48
ordering spares 47
output feature specifications 45
output specifications 44
output tolerance specifications 45
overload condition 41
Overload LED, location 8
Overload LED, troubleshooting 38
overview, HP Power Manager 30
overview, power management software 30
overview, REPO port 9
overview, UPS 6
phone numbers 49
physical specifications 43
power cord 56
power management 30
power protection specifications 44
powering down 29
powering up 23
preparation procedures 11
problem diagnosis 38
rails, installing 13
rear panel connectors 9, 10
receptacles, illustrated 9
regulatory compliance identification numbers 52
regulatory compliance notices 52, 54, 55
replacing the batteries 34, 35
replacing the electronics module 32
replacing the ERM 36
replacing the option card 33
replacing the UPS 35
REPO condition 41