RC3000 Antenna Controller Chapter 3 Detailed Operation
3.4 Alarm Displays
The alarm system monitors important system parameters and flashes a message on the bottom line of
the LCD display if an error is found. The parameters monitored include the condition of the lithium
battery, status of the azimuth and elevation antenna drive systems, and the values of certain variables.
Some error codes have priority over others. Alarm conditions are sampled sequentially, with the highest
priority sampled first. As corrective action is taken for each error, the code is eliminated, and if there is a
lesser error, it will then appear.
Many of the alarm messages described in this section are caused by corrupt CONFIG mode items. Note
that access to certain CONFIG mode items is controlled by the value of other CONFIG mode items. See
the first few paragraphs of section 4.10 for an explanation of the role of controlling CONFIG mode items.
If the value of a controlling CONFIG mode item is such that access to other CONFIG mode items is
restricted, corrupt values of those other CONFIG mode items can still generate an alarm message.
Access to the corrupted item is only available if the controlling item is changed to allow it.
All of the CONFIG mode items must be initialized to a valid value, even if the feature associated with that
CONFIG mode item is disabled. For example, even if REMOTE mode is disabled, the Comm Port Baud
Rate and Comm Port Address CONFIG mode items must still be initialized properly.
The RC2000C constantly monitors the level of the lithium battery. When the power level is low, this error
code will appear. Replace the battery with a Duracell DL2450. Make sure that the unit is unplugged
from the AC power before removing the cover to change the battery. Take care to hold the battery tab
away from the battery housing while replacing the battery, and it will not be necessary to reprogram the
memory. Since there is a chance that the non-volatile memory will be corrupted when the battery is
changed, please refer to Appendix A entitled 'Restoring the Non-Volatile Memory' before changing the
These alarm messages indicate that an error has been detected for the axis referenced in the alarm
message. When one of these alarms are detected, the axis is disabled. Go to RESET mode (section
5.7) to view the actual fault condition which was detected and to clear the fault.
A Reset mode JAMMED indication may mean that the drive breaker is open. This can occur if
simultaneous movement is enabled, and the total current draw from both motors exceeds 8 amps. Reset
the breaker by pressing it back into place, and disable Simultaneous AZ/EL movement via CONFIG
mode. See Section 5.10.2
This error (caused by an incorrect checksum) indicates that the value of at least one of the following
CONFIG mode items has been corrupted: Remote Mode Enable, Comm Port Baud Rate, or Comm Port
Address. Remote Mode Enable is the controlling item for this group of CONFIG mode items - it must be
enabled to allow access to the Comm
Port Baud Rate and Comm Port Address CONFIG mode items.
See section 5.10.3.
This error (caused by an incorrect checksum) indicates that the value of at least one of the following
CONFIG mode items has been corrupted: Rotating Feed Present, Rotating Feed CW Limit, Rotating
Feed CCW Limit, or Rotating Feed Jog Duration. The Rotating Feed Present item is the controlling item
for this group of CONFIG mode items - it must be set to YES to allow access to the other items. See
sections 5.10.6 and 3.3.