Programming Guide – 35
Table 14: SX Switch Command Set
Syntax Function
An switch to channel n
Sn set driver n
Cn clear driver n
Bk configure drivers with binary code k
E enable unit to assert SRQ interrupt after completing each command
D disable SRQ interrupt except when an error occurs
R remote mode: lock out front panel keys;
not implemented in SB switch (RS232 only)
L local mode: enable front panel keys;
not implemented in SB switch (RS232 only)
Response messages (Table 15) are formatted as qn Rm, where q is the unit status (A =
normal, C = command error, S = system error); n is the channel number (0 to N); R is the letter
R; and m is the state of the external relay drivers (0 to 255).
Table 15: Response Messages for SX Switch Commands
Status Byte Register
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Message
0RQS0 00000 BUSY
0RQS0 00001 NORMAL
0 RQS 1 0 0 0 0 1 BAD DATA
0 RQS 1 0 0 0 1 0 UNIT FAILURE
These bits are usually set to 0. Bit 6 (RQS) is set to 1 when the SB switch generates a service
request interrupt.