Appendix: PPIC command line utility
HP provides a simple command line utility, called PPIC, for reading and configuring the power control
logic of the SL product line. Running the PPIC utility from the command line without any command-line
options will provide the options shown below.
HP ProLiant Power Interface Control Utility v.1.09
Copyright (c) 2003, 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Usage: POW [Options]
-d Display and Log Power Status and Configuration
-v verbose data displayed
-s Set Power Configuration Mode
00= No Redundancy Mode (Power Throttling
01= AC Redundancy with Throttling Mode (Max
Performance w/
02= Full AC/DC Redundancy Mode
03= User Configurable Mode (
LO100 Advanced
-l<power limit> (in Watts - Required for <Mode 03)
-c Calibrate and Display Power Limits
-p Poll and Log Power Readings
-v verbose data logged
-f<frequency> (in secs)
-t<duration of run> (in secs)
-o<name> override output log filename
(default log filename= ppic.log)