
GlassWare Audio Design
Jumper J7 connects the PCB’s ground to the chassis through the top centermost
mounting hole. If you wish to float the chassis or capacitor couple the chassis to ground,
then either leave jumper J7 out or replace it with a small-
valued capacitor (0.01 to
0.F). Warning: if rubber O-
rings are used with PCB standoffs, then the ground
connection to the chassis is not likely to be made.
Tube Selection
Unlike 99.9% of tube circuits, t
he Aikido amplifier defines a new topology without fixed
part choices, not an
old topology with specified part choices. In other words, an Aikido
amplifier can be built in a nearly infinite number of ways. For example, a 12AX7 input
tube will yield a gain close to 50 (mu/2), which would be suitable for a phono preamp or
a SE amplif
ier’s input stage; a 6FQ7 (6CG7) input tube will yield a gain near 10, which
would be excellent for a line stage amplifier; the 6DJ8 or 6H30 in the output stage
would deliver a low output impedance that could drive capacitance
laden cables or even
edance headphones. In other words, the list of possible tubes is a long one:
6AQ8, 6BC8, 6BK7, 6BQ7, 6BS8
, 6DJ8, 6FQ7, 6GC7, 6H30, 6KN8, 6N1P, 12AT7,
12AU7, 12AV7, 12AX7, 12BH7, 12DJ8, 12FQ7, 5751, 5963, 5965, 6072, 6922,
E188CC, ECC88, ECC99The only sti
pulations are that the two triodes within the
envelope be similar and that the tube conforms to the 9A or 9AJ base pin-
out. Sadly, the
12B4 and 5687 cannot be used with this PCB.
Internal Shields
If the triode’s pin 9 attaches to an internal shield, as it
does with the 6CG7 and 6DJ8,
then capacitors, C11 and C12 can be replaced with a jumper
, which will ground the
shield. However, using the capacitors will also ground the shield (in AC terms) an
d allow
using triodes whose pin-9 attaches to the center tap of its heater, such as the 12AU7.
Cathode Resistor Values
The cathode resistor sets the idle current for the triode: the larger the value of the
resistor, the less current. In general, high-mu triodes require high-
value cathode resistors
(1-2K) and low-mu triodes require low-valued cathode resistors (100-
1k). I recommend
running the output tubes hotter than the input tubes
; or put differently, run the input
tubes cooler than the output tubes.
Interestingly enough, a lower idle current for the
input stage do
es not seem to incur the same large increase in distortion that one would
expect in other topologies (a testament to the Aikido’s principle of symmetrical loading).
For example, 1k cathode resistors for the input tube (V2 and V3) and 300-
ohm resistors
for the output tubes (V1 and V4), when using 6FQ7s or
6CG7s throughout. Thus, the
output tubes will age more quickly than the input tubes, so rotating output for input
tubes can extend the useful life of the tubes.
Capacitor C3 allows the bottom output triod
e’s cathode resistor to be bypassed, when
resistor R8 is replaced with a jumper wire; this arrangement is useful when driving low-
impedance loads, such as 300-ohm or 32-ohm
headphones, as it provides the lowest
possible output impedance from the Aikido amplifier.
If used, C3 should be at least a
1kµF capacitor. On the other hand, if high-
capacitance cable is to be driven, use a
higher idle current and retain the cathode resistor, R8, and leave capacitor C3 off.
Current is more important than the lowest possible output impedance.