HP Color LaserJet 3500/3700 printer updates
10.92.XX error
Some customers have experienced a 10.92.XX
error at power on. The error refers to a
cartridge not engaging correctly, and “XX”
corresponds to the print cartridge causing the
• 00 = Black print cartridge
• 01 = Cyan print cartridge
• 02 = Magenta print cartridge
• 03 = Yellow print cartridge
There are several issues that can cause this
error, including:
• One or more cartridges not seated properly
• Broken cartridge engaging tab on the right
side of the front door
• Damaged shutter arm on a cartridge
• Missing or out of place left rail guide
• Broken left arm drum lock
• ITB gears not aligned, broken, or disengaged
• Broken ITB gear train
• Broken cartridge alignment knob
First, the cartridges should be reseated. If this
does not resolve the issue the following
troubleshooting steps can help to determine the
cause of the error.
1 Close the door slowly and look inside to see
if the toner shutters open properly while the
door closes. Check whether there is any
abnormal resistance when closing the door.
If any shutter does not open, or you
experience resistance shutting the door, go
to step two.
If the door closes normally, check the
cartridge engaging tab on the right side of
the front door. If it is broken, replace the
tab, part number RC1-1247-000CN
Print cartrid
e en
2 If only one of the cartridge shutters does not
open, inspect the cartridge shutter and wire
arm for damage. Replace the cartridge if
3 If the cartridge looks good, go through the
disable cartridge check and swap out toner
cartridges to see if the issue follows the
cartridge or stays with the slot. Use the XX
element of the error code to identify any
changes once cartridges are swapped. If the
XX identifier follows the cartridge, replace it.
4 Check to see whether the left rail guide is in
place. If not, replace it.
Left rail guide
Position of left rail
HP Color LaserJet 3500/3700 printer updates 4