
Fast setup and job changeover
Touch screen panel
Inspection plate
Splicing table
One-Shot Color
Assures perfect registration by accumulating all
image separations on the blanket and transferring
them to the substrate simultaneously in one shot.
An easy-to-use touch screen
panel, inspection plate and
splicing table allow print
quality inspection and fast roll
Optional rewinder designed
especially for flexible
packaging applications with
tension control and web guide.
Multi-substrate capabilities
down to 12µ films.
Work station
For intuitive operator control
over the functioning of the
press, with easy-to-use menus
and guidance.
Remote assistance to press
operator via support center.
In-line densitometer
Assures color consistency,
fidelity, dot gain
compensation and
accurate repeatability
across jobs and allows
the operator to fine-tune
the press during printing.
7-station ink cabinet
Liquid-based HP ElectroInk achieves
best-in-class print quality.
7 ink stations allow the use of up to 7-color process
colors (CMYKOVG) or a combination of process
and special colors (white or spot).
The on-the-fly On-press Fast Ink Replacement (OFIR)
system makes spot color jobs simple to execute and
increases overall press productivity.
Ink cans
For easy, fast and
clean ink replacement.