
Ch 4: System Environment Settings
Hitachi PC VisionBase8450H/R Server 107
Adapter Boot Order
Used to specify the order of booting for each SCSI controller. Choosing this item will display the following screen.
For the Wide-SCSI controller (SYM53C896) with Port Num 3000, “18” is displayed under “DevFunc”.
For the Wide-SCSI controller (SYM53C896) with Port Num 3400, “19” is displayed under “DevFunc”.
Choosing the SCSI controller will display “Enter New Sequence Number:”. Enter a number as the activation
order(nth) of the SCSI controller, then press key.
NOTE: You cannot specify a value that exceeds the number of SCSI controllers.
Additional Adapter Configuration
Choose this item when you want to change the setting of SCSI boards in a system with some option board(s)
installed. You can choose this item only when the number of SCSI controllers is 5 or more.
NOTE: Hitachi PC VisionBase8450H/R Server does not allow installation of option SCSI boards.
Display Mode
Used to specify whether or not to display information about SCSI devices by SCSI BIOS on the screen at the time
of system startup.
Verbose: Displays information. (Default)
Terse: Does not display information.
Switches the screen display between monochrome and color. Choosing this item immediately switches the display.
The default is “Color”.
Unsupported item; you cannot choose this.
An explanation (in English) of the [Adapter Setup] screen is displayed. Pressing the space key or any other key will
clear the explanation.
In some cases, no Boot Order value is set for a newly installed SCSI controller. When you changed the
configuration of the system, make sure that a Boot Order value has been set for the SCSI controller.
Ifnot, set the value by yourself.