L100 Inverter
and Monitoring
Terminal Listing
Use the following tables to locate pages for intelligent input and output material in this
Intelligent Inputs
Symbol Code Name Page
FW 00 Forward Run/Stop 4–9
RV 01 Reverse Run/Stop 4–9
CF1 02 Multi-speed Select, Bit 0 (LSB) 4–10
CF2 03 Multi-speed Select, Bit 1 4–10
CF3 04 Multi-speed Select, Bit 2 4–10
CF4 05 Multi-speed Select, Bit 3 4–10
JG 06 Jogging 4–12
2CH 09 2-stage Acceleration and Deceleration 4–13
FRS 11 Free-run Stop 4–14
EXT 12 External Trip 4–15
USP 13 Unattended Start Protection 4–16
SFT 15 Software Lock 4–17
AT 16 Analog Input Voltage/current Select 4–18
RS 18 Reset Inverter 4–19
TH 19 Thermistor Thermal Protection 4–20
Intelligent Outputs
Symbol Code Name Page
RUN 00 Run Signal 4–22
FA1 01 Frequency Arrival type 1 – Constant Speed 4–23
FA2 02 Frequency arrival type 2 – Over-frequency 4–23
OL 03 Overload Advance Notice Signal 4–25
OD 04 Output Deviation for PID Control 4–26
AL 05 Alarm Signal 4–27