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1. Investigation of the inverter
1.1 Specification label(Model name,Manufacturing number:MFG)
・There is a specification label attached to the inverter as shown in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1 Location of the specifications label
・Please confirm the model name and MFG number from the specification label as follows.
Figure 1-2 Contents of the specifications label
1.1.1 Model name
SJ700-150 H F F 2
F:with EMC filter
F:with digital operator
L:3Ø200V class
H:3Ø400V class
Applicable motor(150:15kW)
Model name
1.1.2 MFG number
77 A T12345 7 001
Serial No.(001-999)
Year of production(7:2007
Production No.
REV.No.(1 charactor or 2 character)
Production year & month(78:2007/August)
kW/(HP): 15/(20)
Model: SJ700-150HFF2
50Hz,60Hz 380-480V 3 Ph 35A
Output/Sortie: 0 -400Hz 380-480V 3 Ph 32A
Input/Entree: 50Hz,60Hz V 1 Ph A
MFGNo. 77AAT12345 A 001 Date: 0707
Hitachi Industrial Equipment
Systems Co.,Ltd.
Inverter model
Maximum applicable motor capacity
Input ratings
Output ratings
Serial number