We guarantee Hitachi Power Tools in accordance with
statutory/country specific regulation. This guarantee does
not cover defects or damage due to misuse, abuse, or
normal wear and tear. In case of complaint, please send
the Power Tool, undismantled, with the GUARANTEE
CERTIFICATE found at the end of this Handling
instruction, to a Hitachi Authorized Service Center.
Due to HITACHI’s continuing program of reserch and
development, the specifications herein are subject to
change without prior notice..
Information concerning airborne noise and vibration
The measured values were determined according to
EN60745 and declared in accordance with ISO 4871.
Measured A-weighted sound power level: 105 dB (A)
Measured A-weighted sound pressure level: 94 dB (A)
Uncertainty KpA: 3 dB (A).
Wear hearing protection.
Vibration total values (triax vector sum) determined
according to EN60745.
Impact tightening of fasteners of the maximum capacity
of the tool:
Vibration emission value
ah = 12.0 m/s
Uncertainty K = 1.5 m/s
The declared vibration total value has been measured in
accordance with a standard test method and may be
used for comparing one tool with another.
It may also be used in a preliminary assessment of
⅜ The vibration emission during actual use of the power
tool can differ from the declared total value depending
on the ways in which the tool is used.
⅜ Identify safety measures to protect the operator that
are based on an estimation of exposure in the actual
conditions of use (taking account of all parts of the
operating cycle such as the times when the tool is
switched off and when it is running idle in addition to
the trigger time).
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