6. With the up and down control lines loose, pull on them and re-
move them from the hull with the tubes. If they get hung up inside
the hull, you can cut whatever is preventing you from taking out
the lines. You will no longer need these lines and tubes with this
7. With the old tubes and lines removed, install the new tubes with
lines that are in this kit into the holes that you just removed the old
tubes from. Getting the end fittings into the holes will be a tight
squeeze, so you may need a small hammer to tap them into the
holes so that they are fully installed. IMPORTANT: When these
lines are installed, the right line will be for the DOWN control
and the left line will be for the UP control.
8. Use a socket or a wrench and unthread the
bolt that passes through the center of the rud-
der housing. This will allow the rudder to come
9. Feed the DOWN control line through the two holes that are just
above the rudder pin. When installed, the line will come on the
inside of the rudder housing.
Upper Hole
Lower Hole
10. Feed the DOWN control line into the upper hole on the rudder
part of the assembly and tie a knot in the end of the line to keep it
from pulling through.