Chapter 3: Microsoft ActiveSync
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Once you have set up ActiveSync and completed the first synchronization
process, you can initiate synchronization from Holux GPSmile 60. To switch
to ActiveSync, tap
> Programs > ActiveSync.
For information about using ActiveSync on your PC, start ActiveSync on
your PC and then see ActiveSync Help.
For more information about ActiveSync on Holux GPSmile 60, switch to
ActiveSync, tap
> Help.
Changing the Synchronization Schedule
Using ActiveSync, you can schedule the synchronization of Holux GPSmile
60 on two separate schedules.
• Use the peak times schedule to synchronize during working hours or
other times you experience higher mail volumes.
• Use the off-peak schedule to synchronize during times when you
experience lower mail volumes.
Tap to connect and
Tap to stop
Tap to synchronize
via IR or change
synchronization settings.
View connection status.