
ALARM IS ACTIVE: The system is currently in alarm and must be cancelled by a valid user
PA RESET REQUIRED: The user code that cancelled the PA alarm does not have the authori-
sation to reset the system. A user code with the PA Reset attribute enabled must be entered.
The PA switch which created the alarm may also have to be reset.
ENGINEER RESET REQUIRED: This message is displayed when a tamper alarm occurs.
Tamper alarms usually require an engineer to visit the site and check all modules on the system.
INTRUDER RESET REQUIRED: The user code that cancelled the alarm does not have the
authorisation to reset the system. A user code with the PA Reset attribute enabled must be
entered. The PA switch which created the alarm may also have to be reset.
CALL ALARM CO / QUOTE NUMBER XXXXX: This message is displayed on a system with
the Technistore reset facility enabled after an alarm has been cancelled. The alarm company
should be informed that Technistore reset is required (quoting the number on the keypad
INVALID CODE: The code that was entered is not registered in the system memory.
DUPLICATED CODE: When assigning new user codes, the code entered has already been
assigned to a code.
TIMED TIMEOUT DISABLED: When setting the system, the exit time has been set to infinity
and a Final zone or Push-to-Set zone is used to act as the exit terminator.
TELECOM FAILURE: A fault has occurred with the telephone line or remote signalling which
will require engineer attention.
STU LINE FAIL: A fault has occurred with the telephone line or remote signalling which will
require engineer attention.